Ruben A
Носій англійської мови, викладач англійської та іспанської зі США
Спеціалізація: Розмовна англійська, іспанська, Business English, Customer Service, Job Interviews, підготовка до TOEFL, Cambridge, APTIS, TRINITY. Ведучий Розмовного клубу англійської мови.
Досвід роботи: 7 років, по скайпу - 6 років.
Hello, everyone!
I am an English Teacher with CELTA Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults.
Born and raised in the U.S, I offer more than 7 years of combined English teaching experience at several Language Academies in Latin America and Spain. English is the language of science, technology, diplomacy, and tourism. Being able to know English increases your chances of getting a decent job in a multinational company within your home country as well as work opportunities abroad. It’s also the language of international communication, the media and the internet.
Allow me to show you through simple methods, exercises and of course fun conversation classes how to improve your grammar, vocabulary and better your oral communication skills.
I have a vast amount of materials, such as TOEFL & Cambridge Certificate training programs, IELTS teaching methodology and material, Conversation Lessons (Basic, Intermediate & Advanced) and Business English as a subject.
I am creative, well-organised and passionate about my subject.
ЦІНИ на заняття з РУБЕНОМ:
Розмовний інтенсив - 12 євро (30 хвилин).
Загальний курс - 17 євро (50 хвилин).
Спецкурс, підготовка до екзаменів - 19 євро (50 хвилин).
Пробний урок - 8 євро.